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Asher Yasbincek Teases Netflix's "Heartbreak High"

Asher stars as Harper, a high school student who alongside her peers must deal with the consequences when an incendiary mural exposes everyone's secret hook-ups.

Asher Yasbincek stars in Netflix's Heartbreak High as Harper, a high school student who alongside her peers must deal with the consequences when an incendiary mural exposes everyone's secret hook-ups.
Photo: Netflix

Your breakout role in “The Heights” was considered widely to be a fan-favorite. How has this role and experience shaped you as an actress?

The Heights was my first opportunity to experience a recurring character. Playing Rose was extremely enjoyable as I got to experience her growth with the audience as the episodes moved forward. The cast and crew on that show were so lovely and kind, I felt I had a lot of freedom to enjoy the role and play with the character. I learned a lot from the experienced actors on that set and it gave me confidence in my own acting moving forward.

You’re starring in the Netflix spin-off series of “Heartbreak High.” What does it mean to you to be part of this iconic project? As it comes out in a few months is there anything you can share about the project?

Heartbreak High has stolen my heart both as a project and as my ideal role. Harper McLean is a character I’ll cherish forever I think. Her depth and complexity is something I’m excited to be diving into. Filming this project has been my most hands-on job yet and I’m loving every minute of it. I’m unable to give away anything about the project, except I can say, I’m extraordinarily proud to be a part of it and I am constantly in awe of the talent I’m surrounded by. I’ve made friendships here that I know will be lifelong. This has been the most exciting experience of my life thus far.

How has the last year changed you, both as an actress and as a person?

This last year has been a whirlwind of ups and downs but I wouldn’t change any of it. I have really learned that all things are temporary, good and bad, one moment you could be stuck in a situation that feels inescapably sad and the next you could be getting a phone call confirming you’ve got your dream job. I’m learning patience as an actor and a person and I’m learning to appreciate my hardships and low points because it makes the highs that much more special. I’m now focusing my attention to the future and doing what I can to work towards my goals.

Asher Yasbincek stars in Netflix's Heartbreak High as Harper, a high school student who alongside her peers must deal with the consequences when an incendiary mural exposes everyone's secret hook-ups.
Photo: Netflix

What has been the biggest moment of your life so far?

A few years ago I lost a friend to suicide. The impact that that kind of thing has on someone is something I struggle to describe in words. It made me question everything I thought I knew about life and reality. It changed my perspective on things forever. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about him and the light and love he brought to the world. He was a passionate, loving and beautiful guy with an infectious laugh and a halo of blonde curls.

A lot of what I do now, I do with him in mind. I try to take the risks and grab opportunities that seem a little scary because life truly is short. Although he was here for a short time, he impacted those around him for a lifetime in such a positive and beautiful way that I know we'll all carry forever. This experience taught me to value my friendships and speak up when something doesn’t feel right because it is possible to both be a good person to others and take care of yourself. We only get this one life so seek out all the joy you can and enjoy the moments you find it.

What’s one thing you hope never changes?

One thing I hope never changes? As long as my passion for acting remains as strong as it is now, I know I’ll always have beautiful things to look forward to in my life. I hope I never stop chasing my dreams that I had as a little girl. I’m doing this for her.


Make sure to follow MUD on Instagram for the latest entertainment news. Netflix's "Heartbreak High" is out now, only on Netflix.


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